“The Mystery of the Dildo Flag.” Now there’s a Nancy Drew novel for a new generation. “I mean, If you look at the flag closely, it’s clearly not Arabic, in fact it looks like it could be gobbledygook, but it’s very distinctive-the ISIS flag,” reporter Lucy Pawles said as she attempted to crack the mystery of the dildo flag. A pity, because it contained more than a few priceless moments. The news network then spent several minutes wondering why ISIS would be attending a pride parade, unaware that the writing on the flag was, in fact, silhouettes of dildos, butt plugs and other assorted sex toys.ĬNN still hasn’t acknowledged the gaffe on air, although The Guardian reports they’ve taken the video down from their website. While covering a gay pride parade in London, reporters noted what appeared to be an ISIS flag in the procession.
According to the chyron on the bottom of the screen, 'ISIS FLAG SPOTTED AT GAY PRIDE PARADE.' The.
That’s what CNN would have us believe, anyway. On Saturday, during coverage of a gay rights rally, CNN ran a segment with an alarming message. Everyone knows Islamic militant group ISIS has shady political aims, but who knew they were such freaks in the bedroom, too?